Sowmya's Timeline

A fun snapshot of my life so far

Since this timeline is supposed to tell my story, look out for updates!

The story of Sowmya

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Life Story Highlights


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Sorry! The progress bars need fixing but  I have added some initial highlights in the hope that these would be interesting to read.

Well, let's dive in! 

This story started many many moons ago.

I have definitely lived many lives in this one life.

Strap in.

Year Zero
Little Sowmya was born && the Universe said:

"Today, heaven and earth erupted into a major celebration with the news of your impending adventure into this very time and space.

You see, someone like Sowmya doesn't come along all that often.

In fact, there's never been a single one like h, nor is there ever ANY possibility that another will come again.

Someone, whose eyes see what no others will EVER see, whose ears hear what no others will EVER hear, and whose perspective and feelings will NEVER, ever be duplicated.

Without Sowmya, the Universe and ALL THAT IS would be less."

Joking, this is a birthday wish I received via one of my favorite newsletters and I happened to receive this exact same one just this year and it made me smile. I hope it made you smile too!
Year 11
I played my very first chess tournament.

It was so obvious that I was in love with the game even before that first tournament.

I met my first chess coach at the tournament.

My style as an attacking player took shape during this first year. I realized that I was great at tactical positions.
Year 12
I started coaching with my second chess coach.

He became my absolute best friend and the best coach I could have ever asked for at that time.

I trained for 12 hours/day easily. I was falling deeper in love with the game.
Year 13
I won my first ever state championship.

Up until this tournament, I was a player who showed up in the top 5 of almost all the tournaments consistently,

This was a big breakthrough. One that I had worked so hard for and one that would change the landscape of my success curve for the rest of my chess life.

Also, I won the championship during my birthday week. Literally, the day after my birthday was when I held the championship trophy in my hands.

U-13 G Classical  Chess State Champion.

State = Tamil Nadu, India.

Year 14
I won 4 more championship titles after that first title.

U-14 G Rapid Chess State Champion

State = Tamil Nadu, India.

U-16 G Rapid Chess State Champion

State = Tamil Nadu, India.

Open Classical Chess State Champion (no age limit)

State = Tamil Nadu, India.

National U-14 G Rapid Chess Champion

Indian National Championship

Year 14 STILL
I played in the biggest tournament of my life.

Asian U-14 G Classical Chess - Silver Medalist - Individual

Asian Championship

Asian U-14 G Classical Chess - Team Gold Medalist - Indian Team

Asian Championship

Most of my peers at that time had been playing chess since they were 4 years old or so.

I was very late to the "chess scene" for the Indian chess scene standards. Definitely, late for the world standards.

My dream was to become the world's best chess player.

I was on track.
Same Year 14
Something happened around the same time.

I got devastated, confused and gave up chess.

Oh, how the supportive Earth has shifted underneath me! 

The Sky Is Always Dark


[what is the meaning of life]
I spent hours trying to understand the bigger meaning of life.

Year 15
More than a decade later, I would realize that I didn't remember much that happened during the year 14-15.

Memory fragmentation during trauma is very common, I would go on to learn.

Not wanting to be dramatic or anything but I will tell you there was no physical abuse or death involved here. 

Anyway life goes on, this doesn't define all of my life.
LISTEN TO ANDREW HUBERMAN's PODCAST WITH Dr.PAul CONTI to learn about trauma and how it affects ALL
Year ()
I got my first job after grad school at my dream company - .

I worked on the Apple Watch before it was released. It was one of the most invigorating experiences ever.

This is some text inside of a div block.
Year (Google)
I joined an amazing team at Google.

I met with 7 different Google managers before I chose my team.
I have held many trainings for accessibility both within Google Payments and Google Central Accessibility.
Stay tuned for more
awesome life updates.
☕️ Hit me up if you'd like to chat!


You've heard my story, it's now time for the world to hear yours.